The Handbook on Music Business and Creative Industries in Education - Daniel Walzer

The Handbook on Music Business and Creative Industries in Education - Daniel Walzer

Scaling Up: Teaching Contemporary Music through Repertoire Structures

The Handbook on Music Business and Creative Industries in Education - Daniel Walzer

Sean Foran [+-]
SAE University College
Sean Foran is a Brisbane-based composer, pianist, and improvising musician. An ARIA nominated artist he has received the prestigious Brisbane City Council’s Lord Mayors Emerging Artist Fellowship, AMC/APRA Award for Excellence in Jazz, APRA Professional Development Award for Jazz, and the QLD Music Award multiple times. His research investigates improvisation with technology, contemporary music career strategies, and jazz industry practices. He is currently performing with acclaimed improvising trio ‘Trichotomy’, is Course Director for Audio and Music at SAE University College, co-director of the publishing company ‘Prepared Sounds’, and associate artist of the Australian Music Centre.
Jade O'Regan [+-]
University of Sydney
Jade O’Regan is a Lecturer in Contemporary Music Practice at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music (University of Sydney). She is the co-author of Hooks in Popular Music (2022) with Dr Tim Byron, which combines pop musicology and music psychology to understand pop music in an interdisciplinary way. Her research interests include the musical analysis of pop music, genres, songwriting, and creativity. She is an experienced music communicator who has been featured as a speaker at SxSW, Splendour in the Grass, on ABC News, and Triple J. She is also a performing musician and songwriter.
Vincent Perry [+-]
Charles Darwin University
Vincent Perry is a Darwin-based drummer, record producer, and avid collector of vintage instruments and recording gear. Vincent draws his musical inspiration from the house bands of the 1960s recording industry, especially Phil Spector’s Wrecking Crew and Motown’s Funk Brothers. He is currently a percussionist for the Darwin Symphony Orchestra, drummer for the Hot and Cold Big Band, and a lecturer at Charles Darwin University, where he delivers higher education and Vocational Education and Training (VET) music units.
Tom O'Halloran [+-]
Edith Cowan University
Tom O’Halloran is a Senior Lecturer at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) at Edith Cowan University, where he is the academic coordinator of the jazz performance major within the Bachelor of Music degree. In 2017 he won the APRA Art Music Award for Jazz Work of the Year, and he is a regularly commissioned composer, pianist, and improviser. He gained a Master of Music (composition) from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music and holds a Bachelor of Music (jazz performance) from WAAPA, and is currently completing the PhD. His future research interests are hybridity and multi-disciplined approaches, technology within jazz, and assimilating techniques of modernism within jazz.


Sean Foran, Jade O’Regan, Vincent Perry, and Tom O’Halloran discuss a study on popular music repertoire and ensembles conducted at three Australian universities. Foran et al. encouraged students to blend historical analysis of popular music to reimagine cover material, compose original works, and consider factors including performance skills, staging, technology, music cognition, and group dynamics. The authors consider the broader aims of ensemble pedagogy, namely guiding students towards autonomy, improved communication, and advocating for a more profound conception of repertoire built on creativity and collaboration.

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Foran, Sean; O'Regan, Jade; Perry, Vincent; O'Halloran, Tom. Scaling Up: Teaching Contemporary Music through Repertoire Structures. The Handbook on Music Business and Creative Industries in Education. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 147-170 Sep 2024. ISBN 9781800505223. Date accessed: 09 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.45323. Sep 2024

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