Pagan Religions in Five Minutes - Suzanne Owen

Pagan Religions in Five Minutes - Suzanne Owen

3. What is the Difference between "Pagan," "pagan," "Paganism," and "neo-Paganism"?

Pagan Religions in Five Minutes - Suzanne Owen

Graham Harvey [+-]
Open University
Graham Harvey is Emeritus Professor of Religious Studies at the Open University, UK. His research is concerned with the performance and rhetoric of identities among Jews, Pagans and indigenous peoples. He is particularly interested in the 'new animism', embracing relational and material approaches to interactions between humans and the larger than human world. His recent publications include The Handbook of Contemporary Animism(2013) and Food, Sex and Strangers: Understanding Religion as Everyday Life (2013).


"Paganism", "pagan", "Pagan", and "neo-Paganism" have different meanings and connotations within spiritual communities. Capitalisation distinguishes self-identification from historical references. "Neo-Paganism" differentiated modern movements from ancient practices. The modern usage of "Pagan" reflects traditions that celebrate the Earth and senses. Misuse of these terms can reveal dismissive attitudes. The current trend is to be more inclusive and respectful, acknowledging individual and communal identities connected to Nature and sensuality.

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Harvey, Graham. 3. What is the Difference between "Pagan," "pagan," "Paganism," and "neo-Paganism"?. Pagan Religions in Five Minutes. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 9-11 Oct 2024. ISBN 9781800505254. Date accessed: 14 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.45470. Oct 2024

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