Food and Language - Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery 2009 - Richard Hosking

Food and Language - Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery 2009 - Richard Hosking

The Meaning of Pepper: Money, Medicine and Magic

Food and Language - Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery 2009 - Richard Hosking

Caroline Rowe

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Rowe, Caroline . The Meaning of Pepper: Money, Medicine and Magic. Food and Language - Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery 2009. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. Jul 2010. ISBN 9781903018798. Date accessed: 10 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.45767. Jul 2010

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