Ibn 'Arabi and the Contemporary West - Beshara and the Ibn 'Arabi Society - Isobel Jeffery-Street

Ibn 'Arabi and the Contemporary West - Beshara and the Ibn 'Arabi Society - Isobel Jeffery-Street


Ibn 'Arabi and the Contemporary West - Beshara and the Ibn 'Arabi Society - Isobel Jeffery-Street

Isobel Jeffery-Street [+-]
Independent Scholar
Isobel Jeffery-Street studied for a BA Honours degree in Theological Studies and a doctorate in Islamic Studies at the University of Exeter. She has tutored in Islamic Studies for the ­University’s distance learning course as well as being co-ordinator of the Exeter Inter-Faith Group.


As throughout this study, I have attempted to cover as accurately and fairly as possible the students’ reactions at shrines and sacred places, and to the journey as a whole, leaving those experiences to ‘stand on their own’ without applying any value judgments.

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Jeffery-Street, Isobel. THE PILGRIMAGE THROUGH TURKEY. Ibn 'Arabi and the Contemporary West - Beshara and the Ibn 'Arabi Society. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 176 - 203 Jan 2012. ISBN 9781845536718. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=19724. Date accessed: 09 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.19724. Jan 2012

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