An Introduction to English Sentence Structure - Clauses, Markers, Missing Elements - Jon Jonz

An Introduction to English Sentence Structure - Clauses, Markers, Missing Elements - Jon Jonz

Preliminaries Participants Circumstances Practice with Terminology Analyzing and Reporting Clause Elements Some Bracketing and Labeling Conventions Sentences for Analysis

An Introduction to English Sentence Structure - Clauses, Markers, Missing Elements - Jon Jonz

Jon Jonz [+-]
Texas A & M University
Jon Jonz is Professor Emeritus of English in the Department of Literature and Languages at Texas A&M University-Commerce, where he taught General Linguistics, Modern Grammar, Structure of English, Language Acquisition and Processing and Psycholinguistics. He is the author of studies in language testing, first- and second-language discourse features, bilingualism, text cohesion and basic writing. His work in language testing won the international TESOL Distinguished Research Award. He was the longtime editor of the Southwest Journal of Linguistics and, with John W. Oller, Jr. is the coauthor and coeditor of Cloze and Coherence.


This chapter considering participants, participant roles and circumstances showing how Circumstances provide contextual or situational information about when, where,why, and how an event occurs.

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Jonz, Jon. Preliminaries Participants Circumstances Practice with Terminology Analyzing and Reporting Clause Elements Some Bracketing and Labeling Conventions Sentences for Analysis. An Introduction to English Sentence Structure - Clauses, Markers, Missing Elements. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 34-53 Feb 2014. ISBN 9781845531461. Date accessed: 14 Sep 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.19949. Feb 2014

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