Writing Readable Research - A Guide for Students of Social Science - Beverly Lewin

Writing Readable Research - A Guide for Students of Social Science - Beverly Lewin

Shaping Sentences and Paragraphs

Writing Readable Research - A Guide for Students of Social Science - Beverly Lewin

Beverly Lewin [+-]
Tel Aviv University
Beverly A. Lewin has extensive experience in teaching scientific writing to Ph.D. students from non - English speaking backgrounds, in various social sciences, as well as in fields ranging from astronomy to zoology. Her research focuses on scientific discourse, especially genre analysis and managing interpersonal relations in texts (hedging and criticism). Publications include Expository Discourse: A Genre-Based Approach to Social Science Texts (co-authored with Jonathan Fine and Lynne Young, Continuum, 2001) and The Sword and the Word: Criticism in the Academy (co-edited with Françoise Salager-Meyer, Peter Lang, forthcoming).


This chapter builds on the previous chapters and looks at the construction of sentences with nouns and verbs. Topics Covered: Keep Elements in Order; Keep Elements in Parallel; Avoid Heavy Sentences; Avoid Ambiguity; Punctuate Punctiliously; Paragraphs

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Lewin, Beverly . Shaping Sentences and Paragraphs. Writing Readable Research - A Guide for Students of Social Science. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 55-66 Sep 2010. ISBN 9781904768562. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=24210. Date accessed: 12 Nov 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.24210. Sep 2010

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