The German Ocean - Medieval Europe around the North Sea - Brian Ayers

The German Ocean - Medieval Europe around the North Sea - Brian Ayers

The 15th Century: Towards Greater Sophistication

The German Ocean - Medieval Europe around the North Sea - Brian Ayers

Brian Ayers [+-]
University of East Anglia
Brian Ayers is a Research Fellow at UEA. He was formerly Director of the Butrint Foundation working at the Butrint World Heritage site in Albania and prior to that, the county archaeologist for Norfolk, England. He has published widely in academic journals, archaeological monographs and conference proceedings and is the author of an archaeological history of Norwich.


Evidence for the role of women is examined and that for children. Social organisation leads to a discussion of housing, its development and the use of building materials. Economic activity is explored through archaeological material with emphasis upon the urban economy and its role in the supply and distribution of commodities such as ceramics, ironwork, leather and glass. The urban hinterland is also examined as are networks of towns and ports. An assessment is made of infrastructure development , including those of defences and religious sites, and environmental impact is considered.

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Ayers, Brian . The 15th Century: Towards Greater Sophistication. The German Ocean - Medieval Europe around the North Sea. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 111-146 Feb 2017. ISBN 9781781797228. Date accessed: 10 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.24628. Feb 2017

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