The German Ocean - Medieval Europe around the North Sea - Brian Ayers

The German Ocean - Medieval Europe around the North Sea - Brian Ayers

Merchants and their Impact

The German Ocean - Medieval Europe around the North Sea - Brian Ayers

Brian Ayers [+-]
University of East Anglia
Brian Ayers is a Research Fellow at UEA. He was formerly Director of the Butrint Foundation working at the Butrint World Heritage site in Albania and prior to that, the county archaeologist for Norfolk, England. He has published widely in academic journals, archaeological monographs and conference proceedings and is the author of an archaeological history of Norwich.


The fifth chapter seeks to explore the role of merchants in the wider North Sea economy. It identifies mercantile locations and examines the development of cargo shipping. The changing infrastructure requirements within ports are considered as are the topographical impacts that ensued. The probable organisational processes are also discussed. Evidence for port facilities considers a wide range of features, such as cranes, weigh-houses and trans-shipment via inland waterways and canals. The development of warehousing and the storage of goods in merchants’ houses is examined while the scale and movement of trade is assessed from archaeological evidence. Finally, the mercantile ‘world view’ is explored, examining the role of the merchant within medieval society.

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Ayers, Brian . Merchants and their Impact. The German Ocean - Medieval Europe around the North Sea. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 147-180 Feb 2017. ISBN 9781781797228. Date accessed: 09 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.24629. Feb 2017

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