Playful Texts and the Emergent Reader - Developing metalinguistic awareness - Anne Plummer

Playful Texts and the Emergent Reader - Developing metalinguistic awareness - Anne Plummer

Interacting with texts

Playful Texts and the Emergent Reader - Developing metalinguistic awareness - Anne Plummer

Anne Plummer [+-]
After working for Australian State and Federal governments in environmental protection and social policy, Anne Plummer changed direction to qualify as a teacher with the Association Montessori Internationale. She has worked extensively with children in primary classrooms and individually. Her research interests include Montessori grammatics, children’s literature, and the ontogenesis of literary reading.


Considers literary reading as a playful, interactive process, learned in collaboration with more experienced readers and pursued in dialogue with the text itself. Introduces the concepts of intertextuality and polyphony. Notes that the first books children encounter are likely to be picturebooks: multimodal texts which require readers to negotiate two different sense-making systems: words and images.

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Plummer, Anne . Interacting with texts. Playful Texts and the Emergent Reader - Developing metalinguistic awareness. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 47-59 Jan 2016. ISBN 9781781791189. Date accessed: 12 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.26033. Jan 2016

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