Analysing Casual Conversation - Suzanne Eggins

Analysing Casual Conversation - Suzanne Eggins

List of texts

Analysing Casual Conversation - Suzanne Eggins

Suzanne Eggins [+-]
University of Technology Sydney
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Diana Slade [+-]
Australian National University
Diana Slade is Professor of Applied Linguistics, School of Literature, Languages and Linguistics. She is also Director of the ANU Institute of Communication in Health Care. Her major publications include Communicating in Hospital Emergency Departments (co-authored, Springer), Effective Communication in Clinical Handover: from Research to Practice (co-edited with S. Eggins and F. Geddes), and Analysing Casual Conversation (with S. Eggins, Equinox Publishing).


Shortlisted for the 1998 BAAL Book Prize Analysing Casual Conversation , first published in 1997 by Cassell, develops a systematic model for the analysis and description of casual conversation in English. Working through authentic examples of casual conversations involving participants differing in age, gender, ethnicity and socio-economic class, the authors argue that despite its sometimes aimless appearance and apparently unstructured content, casual conversation is a highly structured activity and plays a critical role in the social construction of reality. Drawing on insights from sociology, linguistics and critical semiotics, the book equips readers with the analytic skills to describe the layers of structure and critical interpretive frameworks to explain the ‘social work’ that goes on through chat.

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Eggins, Suzanne; Slade, Diana. List of texts. Analysing Casual Conversation. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. xi Jan 2006. ISBN 9781845530464. Date accessed: 19 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.29245. Jan 2006

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