The Complexity of Conversion - Intersectional Perspectives on Religious Change in Antiquity and Beyond - Valérie Nicolet

The Complexity of Conversion - Intersectional Perspectives on Religious Change in Antiquity and Beyond - Valérie Nicolet

Concluding Remarks

The Complexity of Conversion - Intersectional Perspectives on Religious Change in Antiquity and Beyond - Valérie Nicolet

Valérie Nicolet [+-]
Institut protestant de théologie, faculté de Paris
Since 2013, Valérie Nicolet is “maître de conférences” at the Institut protestant de théologie, faculté de Paris, where she teaches New Testament and Ancient Greek. In her research, she focuses on the Pauline letters. At the moment, she is working on the rhetorical construction of the law in Galatians. Her scholarship highlights interdisciplinary approaches, more prominently with philosophy, and recently, with queer theory. She has published a book on the construction of the self in Romans (Constructing the Self: Thinking with Paul and Michel Foucault, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2012).


My concluding reflections about the essays in the present volume emphasize the complex dimensions attached to conversion. It is worth exploring it with an intersectional lens (as the authors have done in this volume) because it did not and does not mean the same thing depending on age, gender, social status, familial status, and race. All these dimensions should be considered to complicate our accounts of what conversion is/can be. I am convinced (and the two first articles of the volume highlight this) that the diversity of yesterday, described in the present volume, can make us aware of and attentive to the diversity of today. When one thinks of conversion, one needs to reflect on different modes of conversion for different groups and to keep in mind that one can participate in different religious memberships, without losing one’s identity. This volume offers case studies to showcase this diversity of conversion.

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Nicolet, Valérie. Concluding Remarks. The Complexity of Conversion - Intersectional Perspectives on Religious Change in Antiquity and Beyond. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 247-255 Oct 2021. ISBN 9781781795736. Date accessed: 15 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.32033. Oct 2021

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