The History of European Jazz - The Music, Musicians and Audience in Context - Francesco Martinelli

The History of European Jazz - The Music, Musicians and Audience in Context - Francesco Martinelli

24a. Portugal: 1920-1974

The History of European Jazz - The Music, Musicians and Audience in Context - Francesco Martinelli

Pedro Cravinho [+-]
Birmingham Centre for Media and Cultural Research
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Dr Pedro Cravinho is a Senior Research Fellow at the Birmingham Centre for Media nd Cultural Research (BCMCR), and the Keeper of the Archives at the Faculty of Arts, Design and Media. He co-leads the History, Heritage and Archives cluster at BCMCR. His research focuses on music, media and archives, particularly interest in the political, cultural, and social history of the twentieth-century jazz diaspora and its distinct media representation in the public sphere.


Early years: the 1920s; The 1930s and the New State; World War II; The post-war years and the Hot Clube de Portugal; The 1950s; The 1960s; The early 1970s and the last years of the New State; Listening guide; Bibliography;

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Cravinho, Pedro. 24a. Portugal: 1920-1974. The History of European Jazz - The Music, Musicians and Audience in Context. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 461-469 Sep 2018. ISBN 9781781794463. Date accessed: 17 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.33250. Sep 2018

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