Reflective Practice in ELT - Thomas S.C. Farrell

Reflective Practice in ELT - Thomas S.C. Farrell

Typologies of Reflective Practice

Reflective Practice in ELT - Thomas S.C. Farrell

Thomas S.C. Farrell [+-]
Brock University
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Thomas S.C. Farrell is Professor of Applied Linguistics at Brock University, Canada. His professional interests include Reflective Practice, and Language Teacher Education & Development. He has published widely and has presented at major conferences worldwide on these topics. His webpage is:


This chapter thus outlines and discusses different typologies of reflective practice starting with John Dewey’s original typology and then move to Donald Schön’s development of Dewey’s original reflective inquiry model. Since Schön’s work led to reigniting interest in reflective practice, many different typologies developed and are discussed in this chapter. These include discussions of typologies by David Kolb, Graham Gibbs, Christopher Johns, Stephen Brookfield, and Terry Borton. The chapter also outlines and discusses this author’s understanding of the concept of reflective practice in the field of teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL) and his interpretation of this concept through his two typologies of reflection: his early typology as well as his relatively new typology or framework for reflecting on practice for TESOL professionals.

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Farrell, Thomas . Typologies of Reflective Practice. Reflective Practice in ELT. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 29-57 Aug 2019. ISBN 9781781796542. Date accessed: 15 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.33697. Aug 2019

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