Aging in an Aging Society - Critical Reflections - Iva Apostolova

Aging in an Aging Society - Critical Reflections - Iva Apostolova


Aging in an Aging Society - Critical Reflections - Iva Apostolova

Iva Apostolova [+-]
Dominican University College
Iva Apostolova is Associate Professor at Dominican University College. Her main areas of research interest are analytic philosophy, epistemology, philosophy of mind with emphasis on memory, feminist thought, and ethics of care. She has published in Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies, Feminist Philosophy Quarterly, and has authored with Donal O’Reardon Essentials of Critical Thinking: An Introduction to Critical Thinking
Monique Lanoix [+-]
Saint-Paul University
Monique Lanoix is associate professor in the faculty of Philosophy and the School of Ethics, Social Justice and Public Service at Saint-Paul University. Her research focuses on ancillary care as a right of social citizenship. She has published in Hypatia, Brain Injury, IJFAB, Chronic Illness and the Journal of Medical Ethics.


This volume presents contributions from academics, practitioners and researchers who reflect on aging and argue that while the financial impact of aging appears to be receiving increased attention, the more personal, familial and communal consequences of aging must also be examined. This collection delves further into the topic of aging as both personal and social phenomenon. The perspectives the papers engage with range from theoretical to applied. This demonstrates how those perspectives can and must engage with each other. From the invisibility of aging persons, to the manner in which discourses of aging-well rely on normative assumptions, to the ways in which we engage with persons with dementia, to the responsibility of providing care locally and across borders, this collection endeavours to advance aging as a positive challenge that can enrich us all.

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Apostolova, Iva; Lanoix, Monique. Introduction. Aging in an Aging Society - Critical Reflections. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 1-12 Oct 2019. ISBN 9781781796900. Date accessed: 12 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.34472. Oct 2019

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