Aging in an Aging Society - Critical Reflections - Iva Apostolova

Aging in an Aging Society - Critical Reflections - Iva Apostolova

6. Fostering a ‘Community of Care’: Supporting a Shared Experience of Aging in Co-housing

Aging in an Aging Society - Critical Reflections - Iva Apostolova

Magdalena Goemans [+-]
Carleton University (PhD candidate)
Magda Goemans is a PhD candidate in the department of Geography & Environmental Studies at Carleton University. While her doctoral thesis research focuses on household climate change adaptation in Canadian cities, she has gained considerable knowledge of seniors cohousing issues through her involvement in a community-campus partnership at Carleton. As a research assistant with a SSHRC-funded project titled Community First: Impacts of Community Engagement, she provided research support to a neighbourhood initiative that aims to establish a seniors cohousing community in the Ottawa area.


“Fostering a ‘Community of Care’: Supporting a Shared Experience of Aging in Co-housing” by Magda Goemans explains the history and hopes of a housing project for older adults in Ottawa. As an alternative to more traditional living arrangements, the model adopted by this group is self-organisation and it intends to support the goal of sharing services, as well as to act as a safeguard against social isolation.

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Goemans, Magdalena. 6. Fostering a ‘Community of Care’: Supporting a Shared Experience of Aging in Co-housing. Aging in an Aging Society - Critical Reflections. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 127-147 Oct 2019. ISBN 9781781796900. Date accessed: 13 Oct 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.34481. Oct 2019

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