Social Practices in Higher Education - A Knowledge Framework Approach to Linguistic Research and Teaching - Tammy Slater

Social Practices in Higher Education - A Knowledge Framework Approach to Linguistic Research and Teaching - Tammy Slater

Coaching as Activity/Social Practice

Social Practices in Higher Education - A Knowledge Framework Approach to Linguistic Research and Teaching - Tammy Slater

Carolyn Kristjánsson [+-]
Trinity Western University, Canada
Carolyn Kristjánsson has a PhD in Language Education and is an associate professor of applied linguistics at Trinity Western University (TWU) in Canada where she teaches in the online and resident tracks of the MA TESOL program. She is also a Certified Executive Coach (CEC) and has developed and leads an in-house coaching program for MA TESOL students at TWU.
Bernard A. Mohan [+-]
University of British Columbia
Bernard A. Mohan was Chair of Linguistics at the University of Milwaukee Wisconsin, then professor in Language Education at the University of British Columbia, Canada, working with immigrant learners in Vancouver’s schools. Now emeritus at UBC, he is a Research Fellow at King’s College, London who participated in an eight-nation study that recommended changes in teacher education across the European Union to benefit immigrant language learners. Known for his pioneering work on integrated language and content learning, he is a functional linguist who sees language as a resource for learning about the world in dynamic interaction with its cultural context.


This chapter draws on Mohan’s Knowledge Framework to facilitate the analysis of a coaching session in higher education as an activity/social practice. In the study, a coach interacts with a student who is making a choice or decision about a PhD program and evaluating possible options. The analysis draws on Dewey’s theory of emotion and process of inquiry as well as a systemic functional linguistics (SFL) perspective on language, with attention to reflective discourse and appraisal analysis, to shed light on the integration of emotion, inwardness, ethics and cognition in decision-making. It considers implications for coaching research as well as research on activity/social practice and points to the possibility of productive dialogue between Deweyan philosophers and functional linguists.

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Kristjánsson, Carolyn; Mohan, Bernard A.. Coaching as Activity/Social Practice. Social Practices in Higher Education - A Knowledge Framework Approach to Linguistic Research and Teaching. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 123-156 Nov 2023. ISBN 9781781797402. Date accessed: 13 Dec 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.35553. Nov 2023

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