The History of European Jazz - The Music, Musicians and Audience in Context - Francesco Martinelli

The History of European Jazz - The Music, Musicians and Audience in Context - Francesco Martinelli

17. Romania

The History of European Jazz - The Music, Musicians and Audience in Context - Francesco Martinelli

Virgil Mihaiu
Independent Scholar


The first decades, 1920–65: the good and the bad; 1965–71: an upsurge; 1971–89: stagnation and survival; 1989–2000: the ‘transition’ years — a sketch of Romanian jazz at the turn of the century; Listening guide; Bibliography;

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Mihaiu, Virgil. 17. Romania. The History of European Jazz - The Music, Musicians and Audience in Context. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 341-355 Sep 2018. ISBN 9781781794463. Date accessed: 10 Oct 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.36548. Sep 2018

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