The Reflective Cycle of the Teaching Practicum - Fiona Farr

The Reflective Cycle of the Teaching Practicum - Fiona Farr

Post-Observation Feedback: A Tale of Two Teachers

The Reflective Cycle of the Teaching Practicum - Fiona Farr

Fiona Farr [+-]
University of Limerick
Fiona Farr is Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics and TESOL at the University of Limerick, Ireland.
Angela Farrell [+-]
University of Limerick
Angela Farrell is Lecturer in Applied Linguistics and TESOL and Assistant Dean International of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS) at the University of Limerick, Ireland.


One of the pillars of the TP cycle is the feedback session, or post-observation conference, which typically involves the novice teacher interacting with a more experienced mentor, or supervisor. This dialogic encounter aims to identify good practices so that they can be replicated and developed, and also areas that need a specific focus for enhancement. This chapter assists the novice teacher in practical ways to make the most of these discussions, by being well prepared, by interacting in a robust way, and by planning and implementing change in future practice sessions.

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Farr, Fiona; Farrell, Angela. Post-Observation Feedback: A Tale of Two Teachers. The Reflective Cycle of the Teaching Practicum. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 164-182 Jul 2023. ISBN 9781781798492. Date accessed: 06 Oct 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.37274. Jul 2023

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