Transitions, Urbanism, and Collapse in the Bronze Age - Essays in Honor of Suzanne Richard - Jesse C. Long, Jr.

Transitions, Urbanism, and Collapse in the Bronze Age - Essays in Honor of Suzanne Richard - Jesse C. Long, Jr.

21. Black Wheelmade Ware in Lebanon: A View from the North

Transitions, Urbanism, and Collapse in the Bronze Age - Essays in Honor of Suzanne Richard - Jesse C. Long, Jr.

Hermann Genz [+-]
American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Hermann Genz received his PhD from the University of Tübingen in 1998. Since 2004 he is Professor of Archaeology at the American University of Beirut. He directs excavation projects in Lebanon at Tell Fadous-Kfarabida (2004 – 2016), Baalbek (2012 – ongoing) and Tell Mirhan (2016 – ongoing). His research focuses on the Bronze and Iron Ages of the Eastern Mediterranean, especially the Levant and Anatolia, including the transition from village communities to more complex forms of socio-political organization, often called ‘city-states’ in the late fourth/early third millennia, and the ultimate incorporation of the Levant into large empires in the second millennium BCE and the accompanying socio-economic changes.
Kamal Badreshany [+-]
University of Durham
Kamal Badreshany is a research associate in the Department of Archaeology at Durham University. He received his PhD from the University of Chicago in 2013. He specializes in the analysis and geological characterization of ancient ceramics using archaeometric techniques, including ceramic petrography, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction. Although incorporating data at the micro-level, he is a landscape-oriented anthropological archaeologist interested in human adaptation to changing social, economic, and environmental conditions, especially as related to increasing settlement density and early empires.
Mathilde Jean [+-]
University of Paris
Mathilde Jean is a PhD student in Near-Eastern archaeology at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and member of the French Mission at Tell Arqa since 2012. Her PhD thesis investigates the evolution of pottery production and diffusion in the northern Levant during the Early Bronze Age through petrographic analyses. While focusing on Tell Arqa, she also incorporates other regional assemblages such as Enfeh, Qatna and Ras Shamra. She received a three-years research contract from heSam University for her PhD and is a member of the UMR 7041 ArScAn/VEPMO in the CNRS.


Ever since its first discovery at Megiddo in the 1930s, Black Wheelmade ware has sparked the interest of researchers, especially regarding its origin. Most of the research so far has focused on northern Palestine. Lebanon has occasionally been mentioned as a possible region of manufacture, but so far without providing any detailed evidence. In this article, we discuss the occurrence of Black Wheelmade ware in Lebanon and provide the results of the first petrographic and geochemical data from this region.

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Genz, Hermann; Badreshany, Kamal; Jean, Mathilde. 21. Black Wheelmade Ware in Lebanon: A View from the North. Transitions, Urbanism, and Collapse in the Bronze Age - Essays in Honor of Suzanne Richard. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 335-353 Nov 2021. ISBN 9781781797204. Date accessed: 17 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.37742. Nov 2021

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