Levantine Entanglements - Cultural Productions, Long-Term Changes and Globalizations in the Eastern Mediterranean - Terje Stordalen

Levantine Entanglements - Cultural Productions, Long-Term Changes and Globalizations in the Eastern Mediterranean - Terje Stordalen

8. Local Dynamics of Globalization in the Roman Near East: The Case of Palmyra

Levantine Entanglements - Cultural Productions, Long-Term Changes and Globalizations in the Eastern Mediterranean - Terje Stordalen

Eivind Heldaas Seland [+-]
University of Bergen
Eivind Heldaas Seland (PhD in History, University of Bergen, 2007) is professor of ancient history and premodern global history, Department of archaeology, history, cultural studies and religion, University of Bergen, Norway. His research interest is in the interaction between environment, economy, ideology and political power in shaping complex societies/early states in the ancient world. Seland is the author of Ships of the Desert, Ships of the Sea. Palmyra in the world trade of the first three centuries CE (Harrassowitz 2016). Seland took part in the research program of the group at CAS during 2014–2015.


The chapter investigates the interplay between the local and the global in the cultural production of the city of Palmyra, thus utilizing the city as a case study of the Local Dynamics of Globalization in the Premodern Levant. The settlement of Palmyra in the Syrian Desert emerged from relative obscurity around the turn of the Common Era. Building her prosperity on caravan trade between the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean, the city rose to become one of the most important of the Roman East, even vying for control of the Empire by the third quarter of the third century. Palmyra is famous for her cultural expression, which integrated strands from Iranian, Mesopotamian, Syrian, Arabian, Greek, and Roman traditions into a distinct Palmyrene blend. Trade and political imperialism are frequently perceived as agents of globalization in modern scholarly discourse, while cultural standardization and hybridization is seen as the result. The author, who has a long history of research with Palmyra, interprets how various spaces of the city contributed to differentiated identifications with local and trans-local ways of life. The Roman amphitheater, the Greek theater, the necropolis, the temple of Bel, and the agora were all arenas where the local elite took part in imperial and “globalizing” communication as well as in traditional local and regional discourse. The material record of these elites indicates how local and global discourse may have occurred in urban practice. The chapter reflects on the forms of such framing of the global. The lasting cultural entanglements of Palmyra, sadly illustrated in the fate of the city under ISIL, makes the case of this study all the more relevant.

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Seland, Eivind. 8. Local Dynamics of Globalization in the Roman Near East: The Case of Palmyra. Levantine Entanglements - Cultural Productions, Long-Term Changes and Globalizations in the Eastern Mediterranean. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 222-239 Nov 2021. ISBN 9781781799123. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=38446. Date accessed: 14 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.38446. Nov 2021

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