Levantine Entanglements - Cultural Productions, Long-Term Changes and Globalizations in the Eastern Mediterranean - Terje Stordalen
Panel B: Scriptures - Ideology, Practices and Community
Levantine Entanglements - Cultural Productions, Long-Term Changes and Globalizations in the Eastern Mediterranean - Terje Stordalen
Terje Stordalen [+ ]
University of Oslo
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Panel B takes up an insight generated in chapter 4, namely that ideology—for instance in the form of local tradition or place-related social doxa—is among the factors that may contribute the most to conditioning the lasting success (or failure) of the local implementation of social change generated through trans-local connections. The ensuing three studies, all by scholars of the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament, are mining the biblical (and adjacent) record(s) to display various aspects of this role of religious ideology and different ways that ideologies may interact with state levels and local communities.