Levantine Entanglements - Cultural Productions, Long-Term Changes and Globalizations in the Eastern Mediterranean - Terje Stordalen

Levantine Entanglements - Cultural Productions, Long-Term Changes and Globalizations in the Eastern Mediterranean - Terje Stordalen

12. The Production of the Constantinian Holy Land

Levantine Entanglements - Cultural Productions, Long-Term Changes and Globalizations in the Eastern Mediterranean - Terje Stordalen

Øyvind Norderval [+-]
University of Oslo
Øyvind Norderval is professor of ecclesiastical history at the Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo. His main fields are the ecclesiastical history and history of dogma of the ancient church. Norderval has devoted himself in particular to the hermeneutics of the ancient church, development of dogmas and creeds, and to the relationship between the Church, Imperium Romanum, and monasticism. Another field of interest has been recent Norwegian church history, especially revival movements in the nineteenth century, cultural nationalism in the nineteenth century, and the resistance movement within the Norwegian church from 1940–1945.


The Roman emperor Constantine (reign 303-337 CE) instigated the construction of the Holy Land. His visions for the Holy Land, its sacred places, Christian settlements, and pilgrimages represent a radical shift in imperial policy. This shift related to Constantine’s struggle to dismantle the Diocletian tetrarchy and become sole emperor. His vision was to have one god, one emperor, one church. Soon after becoming the sole emperor in 324, Constantine sent his mother Helena to the Levant to work with local Christian elites to begin building the Holy Land as a physical reality—a completely new orientation in the Christian perception of the region. After the fall of the temple, Christians generally did not entertain interest in Jerusalem as a physical site. Subsequent to Constantine’s initiative, there was a rapid development of religious structures and pilgrimage to the region, as is seen in sources like Itinerarium burdigalense (330s), Itenararium Egeriae (380s), or Jerome’s Epistula 108 (after 400). The political center of Constantine’s empire was Constantinople, but the ideological foundation of his power was Jerusalem—a proof of his role as God’s chosen emperor. The initiative to pilgrimage was imperial, but actual constructions only emerged through co-operation, adaption, and performances by local elites. The empire and local communities became entangled in complex ways that, eventually, neither side could easily dis-entangle. A shared framework of liturgical and biblical tradition (harking back to issues discussed in chapter 10) facilitated the construction of the fairly unified concept of pilgrimage to the Holy Land. This framework created space for individual adaptions and yet promoted a direction for the totality. Constantine’s construction of the Holy Land turned into a cultural paradigm that kept developing—even into the Islamic faith, a paradigm that is today widely entangled throughout the world.

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Norderval, Øyvind . 12. The Production of the Constantinian Holy Land. Levantine Entanglements - Cultural Productions, Long-Term Changes and Globalizations in the Eastern Mediterranean. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 376-399 Nov 2021. ISBN 9781781799123. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=38452. Date accessed: 17 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.38452. Nov 2021

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