Levantine Entanglements - Cultural Productions, Long-Term Changes and Globalizations in the Eastern Mediterranean - Terje Stordalen
Concluding Reflections: On a Way Forward for Understanding the Levant
Levantine Entanglements - Cultural Productions, Long-Term Changes and Globalizations in the Eastern Mediterranean - Terje Stordalen
Terje Stordalen [+ ]
University of Oslo
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Øystein S. LaBianca [+ ]
Andrews University
Ending this research initiative, let us return to the metaphor of this volume as a quilt (cf. introduction). At this point, the reader has been acquainted with the result: the quilt has been presented, with all its irregular pieces, uneven fabric, shifting patterns, and still many obvious blank spots—but also with hopefully fresh insights on the complex character of the Levant and on certain subtle lines of development going through the tapestries when explored from the vantage points engaged in this volume. Obviously, the volume is too complex, and too explorative, to be neatly summarized in a few pages. Nevertheless, we thought that we would share a few reflections and lessons about crystallizing a more inclusive narrative of the Levantine past that we learned in the process. We do hope that these might be helpful to future explorers.