To Conclude: Possible Directions in Research and in Language Teaching

Phonology in Systemic Functional Linguistics - The Role of Intonation in the Analysis of Oral Discourse - Lucía Inés Rivas

Lucía Inés Rivas [+-]
National University of La Pampa, Argentina
Lucía Inés Rivas is Associate Professor of English Phonetics and Phonology in the Department of Foreign Languages, National University of La Pampa, Argentina.


By way of conclusion, this chapter reviews the issues discussed in the book and refers to existing research in the area of the analysis of oral discourse. Possible directions for future research are suggested. In addition, the chapter also discusses the importance of phonology in the context of language teaching, and foreign language teaching in particular. In many approaches, SFL among them, comprehensive accounts of phonology in language were developed specifically for teaching purposes. After a comparison of different approaches, priorities will be established for the (foreign) language classroom.

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Rivas, Lucía Inés . To Conclude: Possible Directions in Research and in Language Teaching. Phonology in Systemic Functional Linguistics - The Role of Intonation in the Analysis of Oral Discourse. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. Nov 2026. ISBN 9781781799321. Date accessed: 14 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.38994. Nov 2026

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