2. Researching Post-lineage Yoga
Post-lineage Yoga - From Guru to #MeToo - Theodora Wildcroft
Theodora Wildcroft [+ ]
The Open University
Theodora Wildcroft, PhD, is a researcher investigating the democratization and evolution of physical practice as it moves beyond both traditional and early modern frameworks of relationship. Her PhD was a significant advance in the analysis of contemporary yoga pedagogies. Her research continues to consider the democratization of yoga post- lineage and meaning making in grassroots communities of practice. She is an associate lecturer at the Open University, UK; a former coordinator of the SOAS Centre of Yoga Studies; an editor of the BASR Bulletin; an honorary member of the British Wheel of Yoga; a member of the IAYT; and a continuing professional development trainer and consultant for Yoga Alliance (US). Her monograph Post- Lineage Yoga: From Guru to #MeToo is available from Equinox Publishing Ltd. (2020).
Researching the specific subculture at the heart of this book necessitated the creation of an innovative methodology of co-practice, notation, and method as experiment that is newly fit for the purpose of studying bodily religious practice. In brief, that method is detailed in Chapter 2, as a preliminary map for others to follow and expand. • Co-practice as a method and its impact on understanding the teaching of yoga • An introduction to the notation system used in the book