Resistance to Empire and Militarization - Reclaiming the Sacred - Jude Lal Fernando

Resistance to Empire and Militarization - Reclaiming the Sacred - Jude Lal Fernando

16. Necropolitical Capitalism, the State of Exception and Accumulation by Dispossession

Resistance to Empire and Militarization - Reclaiming the Sacred - Jude Lal Fernando

Luis Arizmendi [+-]
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Luis Arizmendi is lecturer in Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and holds a Doctor Honoris Causa from the Alva Edison University, Mexico. He was a lecturer at the National Polytechnic Institute for 30 years and is the director of the international magazine Mundo Siglo XXI and an author of many articles and books on the global crisis of capitalism, both in English and Spanish.


Ayotzinapa evokes Auschwitz to talk about modern-day Mexico. This powerful formulation, expressed by Elena Poniatowska, states a parallel but not in the sense of an allegory. It should not be taken lightly. Ayotzinapa is not simply Ayotzinapa; it is the window to an era. It reveals, in all its horror, in the murder of 43 college students, the new configuration that is trampling Mexico: necropolitical capitalism. It discloses the politics of death as the basis for accelerated and decadent forms of accumulation by dispossession. Ayotzinapa has awakened a peculiar protest; the first national struggle against necropolitical capitalism. The chapter critically periodizes Mexico’s history in recent decades, and demonstrates that this is the outcome of an evolution that has passed through the stages of cynical capitalism and narcopolitical capitalism.

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Arizmendi, Luis. 16. Necropolitical Capitalism, the State of Exception and Accumulation by Dispossession. Resistance to Empire and Militarization - Reclaiming the Sacred. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 288-305 Apr 2020. ISBN 9781800500204. Date accessed: 10 Oct 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.40203. Apr 2020

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