Red Book, Middle Way - How Jung Parallels the Buddha's Method for Human Integration - Robert M. Ellis
The Wise: Elijah and Philemon
Red Book, Middle Way - How Jung Parallels the Buddha's Method for Human Integration - Robert M. Ellis
Robert M. Ellis [+ ]
Middle Way Society
Robert M. Ellis is author of a range of interdisciplinary books on Middle Way Philosophy, both within and beyond Buddhism. These have included The Buddha’s Middle Way: Experiential Judgement in His Life and Teaching (Equinox Publishing, 2019) and Archetypes in Religion and Beyond: A Practical Theory of Human Integration and Inspiration (Equinox Publishing, 2022). He is also founder of the Middle Way Society and of Tirylan House Retreat Centre in Wales.
The Wise Old Man is introduced as an aspect of the God archetype, dramatized in Jung’s Red Book encounters with Elijah and Philemon. But Philemon becomes less wise and more dogmatic later in the Red Book , as Jung struggles to maintain a balanced view where inner guru figures are neither idealised nor dismissed.