Language in Action - SFL Theory across Contexts - María Estela Brisk

Language in Action - SFL Theory across Contexts - María Estela Brisk

4. A Geometry Teacher’s Actions for Engaging Students in Mathematizing from Real-World Contexts: A Linguistic Analysis

Language in Action - SFL Theory across Contexts - María Estela Brisk

Gloriana Gonzalez [+-]
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Gloriana González is Associate Professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her research interests are problem-based instruction, classroom discourse, and teacher professional development. She has a special interest in the teaching and learning of geometry. She led a grant funded by the National Science Foundation, CAREER: Noticing and using students’ prior knowledge in problem-based instruction. Methodologically, she uses Systemic Functional Linguistics to analyze classroom talk and discussions among teachers. She received the 2015 Emerging Scholar Award from the North American Systemic Functional Linguistics Association.


I share the case of a geometry teacher’s work that encourages literacy practices to read a diagram during a problem-based lesson. Using a problem situated in the context of the visual arts, the teacher connected students’ understanding of the problem’s context with mathematical ideas. During the lesson summary, the teacher helped students to translate their work with the diagram into reasoned conjectures. I used Systemic Functional Linguistics to unpack the complexities of mathematics classroom talk, including lexical relations, processes, participants, and circumstances and conjunctive relations. The study exemplifies how linguistic analysis can help researchers to identify teaching actions for supporting students’ engagement in mathematizing with implications for teacher education.

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Gonzalez, Gloriana. 4. A Geometry Teacher’s Actions for Engaging Students in Mathematizing from Real-World Contexts: A Linguistic Analysis. Language in Action - SFL Theory across Contexts. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 87-116 Jun 2021. ISBN 9781800500044. Date accessed: 17 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.40629. Jun 2021

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