Language in Action - SFL Theory across Contexts - María Estela Brisk

Language in Action - SFL Theory across Contexts - María Estela Brisk

10. Building and Enhancing Intercultural Communication in Museum Spaces through SFL and Translation Studies

Language in Action - SFL Theory across Contexts - María Estela Brisk

Marina Manfredi [+-]
University of Bologna
Marina Manfredi is a Lecturer in English Language and Translation at the University of Bologna, Italy. She teaches English Language and Linguistics for undergraduate students and English Translation for postgraduates. Her main research interests lie in the fields of Systemic Functional Linguistics and Translation Studies and include Systemic Functional Linguistics and translation, translation teaching, postcolonial Translation Studies, translation and world Englishes (especially Indian English), audiovisual translation (in particular of multicultural television programmes for younger audiences), metaphor translation. She has contributed to national and international conferences on these topics and has published various articles and two books (Translating Text and Context: Translation Studies and Systemic Functional Linguistics, Volume 1: Translation Theory, Dupress, 2008; Translating Text and Context: Translation Studies and Systemic Functional Linguistics, Volume 2: From Theory to Practice, Asterisco, 2014). Her current research mainly concerns translation for the media, in particular of popular science for press magazines, for the web and news translation.


This chapter explores the fruitful interface between Systemic Functional Linguistics and Translation Studies in the field of museum translation, an area which has received less attention in both disciplines. After offering an overview of the context in which museum translation takes place, with special attention to the European and Italian settings, it examines translation practices in museum spaces, taking the city of Bologna, Italy, as an illustrative case. The chapter combines a context-oriented methodology, based on interviews with museum professionals, and a theoretical approach, arguing in favor of an SFL-informed translation training for museum translators. Through practical examples taken from three museums in Bologna, it shows how a linguistic analysis in terms of textual, interpersonal and ideational meanings might help the translator produce an effective target text, with a view to meeting the challenges of multilingualism, accessibility and inclusion. which current museum translation should foster and achieve.

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Manfredi, Marina. 10. Building and Enhancing Intercultural Communication in Museum Spaces through SFL and Translation Studies. Language in Action - SFL Theory across Contexts. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 257-283 Jun 2021. ISBN 9781800500044. Date accessed: 10 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.40635. Jun 2021

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