Project-Based Language Learning and CALL - From Virtual Exchange to Social Justice - Michael Thomas

Project-Based Language Learning and CALL - From Virtual Exchange to Social Justice - Michael Thomas

8. Project-Based Learning via ePortfolios: Integrating Web 2.0 Tools into Higher Education World Language Classes

Project-Based Language Learning and CALL - From Virtual Exchange to Social Justice - Michael Thomas

Rebecca Chism [+-]
Kent State University
Rebecca Chism is an Associate Professor of Foreign Language Pedagogy and Pedagogy Coordinator in Modern and Classical Language Studies at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio, U.S.A. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in second and foreign language teaching methods and approaches. Her research interests include best practices in teaching pre-and inservice teacher preparation, differentiated instruction, and computer mediated communication.
Evan W. Faidley [+-]
Kent State University
Evan W. Faidley is a doctoral candidate of Higher Education Administration and the Graduate Student Career Liaison and Graduate Assistant for Graduate Studies at Kent State University. He also serves as an undergraduate and Upward Bound instructor of French, as well as a graduate adjunct instructor Higher Education Administration. Evan has over four years of experience in designing and delivering different curricula among different higher education institutional types, focusing on identity, linguistic, and cultural development through learning French. His research interests include second language acquisition, French higher education, career development, socialization of postsecondary students, and first-generation college student transitions.


The study investigates the implementation of an electronic portfolio (ePortfolio) project into a university-level intermediate French class in the USA. The researchers found that ePortfolios offered opportunities for linguistic and cultural knowledge construction and that they can serve as a useful tool for project-based learning in the world language classroom.

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Chism, Rebecca; Faidley, Evan. 8. Project-Based Learning via ePortfolios: Integrating Web 2.0 Tools into Higher Education World Language Classes. Project-Based Language Learning and CALL - From Virtual Exchange to Social Justice. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 171-198 Mar 2021. ISBN 9781800500242. Date accessed: 09 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.42402. Mar 2021

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