Project-Based Language Learning and CALL - From Virtual Exchange to Social Justice - Michael Thomas

Project-Based Language Learning and CALL - From Virtual Exchange to Social Justice - Michael Thomas

9. Transcultural Language Learning with Cinema, Social Justice and Teletandem

Project-Based Language Learning and CALL - From Virtual Exchange to Social Justice - Michael Thomas

Martha Guadalupe Hernández Alvarado [+-]
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Mexico
Martha Guadalupe Hernández Alvarado, M.A. is a full-time instructor and researcher in the Linguistics Department at Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo. She currently teaches courses on learning autonomy and teaching practice for the B.A. in English Language Teaching, a teacher preparation program for EFL teachers in Mexico.
Anton Brinckwirth [+-]
Virginia Commonwealth University
Anton Brinckwirth is the Director of the World Studies Media Center at Virginia Commonwealth University. He has a Ph.D. in Education (Instructional Leadership) from VCU. Dr. Brinckwirth teaches Spanish through film and media and his primary teaching and research interests are Teletandem, Virtual Classroom, and Online International Exchange (OIE).


This chapter reports on the implementation and outcomes of a cinema-based Spanish-English teletandem exchange between two groups of displaced language learners in Mexico and the United States. The sessions allowed students to discuss the social justice issues presented in the films through project-based collaborative activities delivered in a transcultural setting.

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Guadalupe Hernández Alvarado, Martha; Brinckwirth, Anton. 9. Transcultural Language Learning with Cinema, Social Justice and Teletandem. Project-Based Language Learning and CALL - From Virtual Exchange to Social Justice. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 201-230 Mar 2021. ISBN 9781800500242. Date accessed: 14 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.42403. Mar 2021

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