Reflecting on Leadership in Language Education - Andy Curtis

Reflecting on Leadership in Language Education - Andy Curtis

The Question Four Responses

Reflecting on Leadership in Language Education - Andy Curtis

Okon Effiong [+-]
Qatar University
Okon Effiong is a lecturer in the Foundation Programme, Qatar University. He is a member of the TESOL Board of Directors and served on its Nominating Committee, Diversity & Inclusion Committee, as Chair-elect of EFL-Interest Section. He is founder and Past President of Africa TESOL. He was the President of Qatar TESOL.
Christel Broady [+-]
Georgetown College
Dr. Christel Broady, chairwoman graduate programs, as well as the director of the ESL Program at Georgetown College is an international leader. Christel has served in many leadership roles with TESOL International and affiliates. Her list of domestic and international publications, keynotes, presentations, and awards is extensive.
Leo Mercado [+-]
Independent Scholar
Leo Mercado has been in the field for more than 25 years, making contributions as a director of studies, e-learning and proficiency testing specialist, project leader, author and academic entrepreneur. He has also successfully led two international accreditation processes, as well as large-scale, nationwide projects at the Ministry of Education level.
Andy Curtis [+-]
Anaheim University, California
Andy Curtis (PhD) is a Professor in the Graduate School of Education at Anaheim University. From 2015 to 2016, he served as the 50th President of the TESOL International Association. He has (co)authored and (co)edited 200 articles, book chapters and books, and he has presented to 50,000 language educators in 100 countries. He is based in Ontario, Canada, from where he works with learning organizations worldwide.
Marjorie Rosenberg [+-]
Independent Scholar
Marjorie Rosenberg has been involved in tertiary and adult education in Austria since 1981. She is an active teacher trainer, conference presenter and ELT author. Marjorie served as IATEFL President from 2015-2017. Her latest project is working as a mentor through a programme designed by EVE and Africa TESOL.
Rosemary DePetro Orlando [+-]
Southern New Hampshire University
Dr. Rosemary DePetro Orlando is a Professor at Southern New Hampshire University, USA. She regularly travels to Vietnam National University in Hanoi to teach MSTEFL courses in a university partnership degree program. As a Language Teacher educator, Dr. Orlando regularly presents at national and international English Language Teaching conferences worldwide.
Rosa Aronson [+-]
TESOL International Association
Rosa Aronson is the Interim Executive Director of TESOL International Association. Her career in Education began as an EFL teacher in France and continued in the USA in professional educational organizations. She has served as an English Language Specialist focusing on organizational leadership. She holds a PhD in Social Foundations of Education from the University of Virginia.
Deborah Healey [+-]
University of Oregon
View Website
Dr. Deborah Healey was the 2020-2021 Past President of the Board of Directors of TESOL International Association. An online and face-to-face teacher educator, she writes and presents extensively internationally (Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe, US) on appropriate use of technology in language teaching. Her doctorate is in Computers in Education.
Neil J. Anderson [+-]
Brigham Young University, Hawaii
Neil J Anderson has been actively involved in leadership roles and reflective practice for over 40 years. He currently teaches at Brigham Young University–Hawaii, USA. Neil served as President of TESOL International Association from 2001-2002. He received the prestigious James Alatis Award from TESOL in 2014.
Kathleen M. Bailey [+-]
Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey
Kathleen M. Bailey is a Professor of Applied Linguistics at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (MIIS). She completed her MA and her doctorate at the University of California at Los Angeles. Her research interests include teacher education, language assessment, and the teaching of listening and speaking.


The Question Four Responses Okon Effiong: Steering Africa TESOL on Course Christel Broady: Professional Challenges: An Opportunity to Become a Better Leader Leo Mercado: Flying Through the Turbulence Andy Curtis: Stepping and Stumbling (Back) Into the River Marjorie Rosenberg: Facing the Challenge of Leadership and the Transferal of Skills to Our Jobs as Teachers Rosemary Orlando: The Road Taken to Vietnam Rosa Aronson: TESOL as a Business Deborah Healey: Office Politics and Geopolitics – It’s All About People Neil Anderson: Facing Challenges Kathleen M. Bailey: Learning to Let Go: Ruminating on Delegating

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Effiong, Okon; Broady, Christel; Mercado, Leo; Curtis, Andy; Rosenberg, Marjorie; DePetro Orlando, Rosemary; Aronson, Rosa; Healey, Deborah; Anderson, Neil J.; Bailey, Kathleen M.. The Question Four Responses. Reflecting on Leadership in Language Education. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 116-160 Jan 2022. ISBN 9781800501393. Date accessed: 17 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.43640. Jan 2022

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