Exploring the Principles of Reflective Practice in ELT - Research and Perspectives from Turkey  - Bahar Gün

Exploring the Principles of Reflective Practice in ELT - Research and Perspectives from Turkey  - Bahar Gün

Engaging in Systematic Digital Reflection: A Case of Pre-Service English Teachers

Exploring the Principles of Reflective Practice in ELT - Research and Perspectives from Turkey  - Bahar Gün

Ali Öztüfekçi [+-]
Bahçeşehir University, Turkey
Ali Öztüfekçi is a lecturer at Bahçeşehir University, İstanbul, Turkey in the department of Foreign Language Teaching. Currently, he is in the process of writing up his PhD thesis on bilingual pre-service education. He has published articles on early bilingualism, learner autonomy and World Englishes. His research interests include teacher reflection, early bilingualism, and bilingual teacher education.
Kenan Dikilitaş [+-]
University of Stavanger, Norway
Kenan Dikilitaş is a professor at the University of Stavanger in Norway, where he mentors academics and supports professional development, in particular relating to their (online) teaching practices. He also leads a Ph.D. course 'Qualitative Research in Higher Education' for doctoral students at the department of education. His research interests include (language) teacher education, mentoring and investigating action research, and more recently, developing teaching and learning in digital environments.


Öztüfekçi and Dikilitaş, in the third chapter, explore a similar aspect of reflection for pre-service teachers, namely, the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to encourage teachers to become reflective practitioners. In their chapter, the authors report on their research into ELT pre-service teachers engaged in online writing tasks, and describe their digital reflections based on the constructive feedback from tutors in an asynchronous course in their curriculum. Potentially relevant to ELT professionals working in similar pre-service settings, the authors make implications to professional development in terms of fostering teachers’ autonomy, enhancing their self-efficacy and developing their professional identities.

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Öztüfekçi, Ali ; Dikilitaş, Kenan . Engaging in Systematic Digital Reflection: A Case of Pre-Service English Teachers. Exploring the Principles of Reflective Practice in ELT - Research and Perspectives from Turkey . Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 54-77 May 2023. ISBN 9781800502970. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=44077. Date accessed: 17 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.44077. May 2023

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