Exploring the Principles of Reflective Practice in ELT - Research and Perspectives from Turkey  - Bahar Gün

Exploring the Principles of Reflective Practice in ELT - Research and Perspectives from Turkey  - Bahar Gün

Reflective Practice Groups in ELT: An Emergent Model for Professional Development

Exploring the Principles of Reflective Practice in ELT - Research and Perspectives from Turkey  - Bahar Gün

Burak Aydın [+-]
Izmir Katip Celebi University, Turkey
Burak Aydın is an Instructor of English and a licensed teacher trainer for SIT TESOL Certificate Course. He teaches in a tertiary level preparatory English program and is also involved in mentoring and supervising language teachers. In the field of teacher training, he has been conducting research, facilitating courses and presenting for ELT conferences, INSET PD events and various educational institutions
İrem Çomoğlu [+-]
Dokuz Eylül University, Turkey
İrem Çomoğlu works as an Associate Professor at Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Education, English Language Teaching Department, Izmir, Turkey. She has published widely in national and international journals and books. In her research she focuses on teacher learning and development in TESOL and teacher research mainly from a qualitative research paradigm.


Chapter four is a study sharing perspectives in an in-service teacher education context. Aydın and Çomoğlu, in their chapter, explore collaborative reflection through “Reflective Practice Groups” (RPGs), and investigate the effects of such reflection on teachers’ professional development in an in-service training program. The chapter focuses not only on the RP tools used in the process, but also on the insights gained into the value of RPGs as a professional development model. Aydın and Çomoğlu’s insightful suggestions and implications may form the basis for ELT institutions applying similar model of in-service teacher training.

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Aydın, Burak; Çomoğlu, İrem . Reflective Practice Groups in ELT: An Emergent Model for Professional Development. Exploring the Principles of Reflective Practice in ELT - Research and Perspectives from Turkey . Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 78-105 May 2023. ISBN 9781800502970. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=44078. Date accessed: 11 Sep 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.44078. May 2023

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