26. Isaac ibn Latif: Treasures of the King

A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy - Mohammed Rustom

James T. Robinson [+-]
The University of Chicago Divinity School
James T. Robinson is Dean and Caroline E. Haskell Professor, The University of Chicago Divinity School.


The selection included here is from Isaac ben Abraham ibn Latif’s Hebrew philosophical work Treasures of the King. Our text contains a somewhat idiosyncratic enumeration of the sciences, following and influenced by such philosophers as Fārābī but recoding the sciences in relation to biblical verses, especially the beginning of Genesis. In his classification, moreover, we see a strong tendency toward the Platonic and Neoplatonic with the author’s emphasis on the importance of mathematics for metaphysics and with the appearance of two doctrines that are common throughout his writings: the “first created being,” which marks the space between the metaphysical and real worlds; and the doctrine of Will, Universal Matter, and Universal Form (building on the Neoplatonism of Isaac Israeli and Solomon ibn Gabirol).

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Robinson, James T.. 26. Isaac ibn Latif: Treasures of the King. A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. Apr 2025. ISBN 9781800505476. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=45403. Date accessed: 15 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.45403. Apr 2025

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