Performing Scriptures: Ritualizing Sacred Texts in Korean Shamanic Recitation of Scriptures

Korean Religious Texts in Iconic and Performative Rituals - Yohan Yoo

Yohan Yoo [+-]
Seoul National University
Yohan Yoo is a Professor of Comparative Religion at Seoul National University. His previous publications include three books in Korean: Myths of Our Era (2012), Understanding Religious Studies (2020), and Understanding Religious Symbolism (2021). He has also co-authored Cosmologies of Pure Realms and the Rhetoric of Pollution (Routledge, 2021) and co-edited Books as Bodies and as Sacred Beings (Equinox, 2021) with James W. Watts.


In Chapter 5, a specific ritual named seolwi-seolgyeong is investigated. Seolwi-seolgyeong is a Korean shamanic ritual in which shamans recite scriptures while seated. This ritual illustrates a comprehensive way of performing scriptures: texts are recited, written, and materialized so that their sacred status is secured and their power is maximized. The recitation is the nucleus of this ritual. Though lay participants do not understand the meaning of the recited scriptures, they regard the recitation as effective because the gods and malevolent spirits are thought to understand it. For seolwi-seolgyeong to be most efficacious, the recitation of scriptures should be supported by the materialization of scriptures. Evil spirits become frightened by reading the paper banners on which the names of gods and other words derived from scriptures are written. Geometric paper figures depicting gods visually scare evil spirits and those that reflect the scriptures’ cosmology can hedge them in and trap them. In this ritual process, scriptures are privileged and distinguished as sacred beings in several ways. First, scriptures are ritualized when shamans and other participants in seolwi-seolgyeong treat the scriptures as no less than the words of the gods. Second, reciting the scripture is equated with the proclamation of divine words. This ritualization is considered more effective when scriptures are recited more skillfully. Third, the contents of scriptures are also ritualized when the contents are considered so sacred as to subdue evil spirits and to heal patients and when shamans materialize the contents into paper figures on the basis of their interpretation of the cosmology and theology in scriptures.

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Yoo, Yohan. Performing Scriptures: Ritualizing Sacred Texts in Korean Shamanic Recitation of Scriptures. Korean Religious Texts in Iconic and Performative Rituals. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 69-83 Nov 2024. ISBN 9781800504974. Date accessed: 09 Dec 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.45237. Nov 2024

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